A summer rental tenant phoned the Steele Associates Real Estate office the other day with a plaintive query. “Is there anything to do on Cape Cod besides go to the beach?” It’s hard to imagine not wanting to simply lounge away your vacation days on our beautiful beaches–but if you’ve become just a little restless after snuggling your toes in the sand all summer long, one place to look for more active pursuits is to the waters of Cape Cod Bay .

Try your hand at sport fishing with Captain Randy Black of the First Mate out of Sesuit Harbor. A man of great patience–as, my friends and I learned, one must be when waiting for those fish to bite!–Captain Black offers half or full day trips for novice fishermen and woman or experienced anglers. I can’t imagine a more knowledgeable or better seasoned captain.
Have the urge to view the bay from a different angle? Parasailing out of Sesuit Harbor in Dennis or off MacMillan Wharf in Provincetown, you’ll drift below a colorful canopy while enjoying a spectacular view of the bay and shoreline of Cape Cod. Call 508-385-8359 for Dennis or 508-487-8359 for the Provincetown location. Happy sailing!